Natural Breast Cancer Treatments


Friday, January 30, 2009

Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast cancer is one of the dreaded women illnesses that has affected millions of women all over the world. All women should be concerned with breast cancer because it is a risk they have to live with. The greater they know about the risk, the more they will be able to fight back.

Most women discover breast cancer too late because of the lack of regular breast check ups or mammography. Some women think they could not get breast cancer while most would rather ignore the thought thinking it would all go away and they would not get it if they do not think of the illness.

The right attitude to take is to go for mammography or breast examinations regularly to be able be secure in the knowledge that one is free from the illness or to be able to detect the illness the soonest possible time.

A woman is expected to do self breast examinations and then see a doctor when an abnormality is discovered. Once the abnormality is confirmed, the doctor would then recommend more tests including biopsy. Biopsy will confirm whether the lump of abnormality is related to breast cancer.

Unlike most illnesses, breast cancer is not easily detected because it does not have painful symptoms. Most women who found out they have breast cancer did not even experience any symptoms at all. However, every woman should watch out for bodily changes that may indicate the presence of breast cancer.

The best time to check for lumps near the breast and underarm area is when a woman is taking a bath. A lump in those areas coupled with some form of nipple discharge as well as changing breast size should be a warning that something is not right. When such conditions are observed, she should immediately go to her doctor and report the changes.

The said changes do not necessarily mean breast cancer is present but it should be reason enough for concern. It is better to have them checked and be given a clean bill of health than suffer the consequences of detecting breast cancer too late.

There are several ways by which a doctor will be able to determine the existence of breast cancer and one of the simplest ways is to carefully feel for lumps in the breast, or in areas near the breast and the underarm. A more technical manner of detecting breast cancer is mammography or breast x-rays. The doctor can also opt for ultrasonography to determine the type of lump felt near or in the breast area.

The part most women dread during serious breast examinations is when the doctor tells them that he needs to get some fluid samples from the lump in the breast to determine whether it is cancerous or not. The examination will determine whether the lump is fluid or solid which may or may not be cancerous at all.

A woman who is detected with breast cancer should not lose hope because it can be treated. Several treatments can be had which will either eliminate the cancer or to minimize its spread to other parts of the body.

Accepting breast cancer is a struggle for every woman and she will need all the Support she can have from family and friends. Therefore an early breast cancer diagnosis is highly important.

Learn more helpful Information About Breast Cancer, and how Breast Cancer Awareness can help with the struggle, all this and more at

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Breast Cancer

The Journey Begins

This is the story of my breast cancer journey, and how gluing magazine pictures onto mat board led me back to my spirit.

In December of 2001, breast cancer was the furthest thing from my mind. I was busy. I had a loving husband, a nice home, three beautiful stepchildren, a good job. Then my perfect little world was suddenly turned inside out and upside down.

A routine, suspicious mammogram. A phone call. Mammogram #2. A stereotactic core biopsy.

My diagnosis: breast cancer, stage 2, infiltrating, ductal, HER2.

All of the above happened within the fearful, anxious, unbelievable time span of 7 days. And my life has never been the same.

The next nine months held a most strange quality of disbelief and exhaustion. It also held two surgeries, four chemotherapy treatments spaced three weeks apart, and 47 radiation treatments (spaced daily, over the course of 9 weeks).

Fears of the Cancer Returning

It's been three years since my life was turned upside down and inside out…. Three years. My prognosis is very good. I hear this every three months depending on which doctor my appointment is with: breast surgeon, medical oncologist, or radiation oncologist.

Three years have passed. I look good. I feel good. And yet nothing has been able to quiet the storms of fear that threaten to overwhelm me from time to time. The insidious fear that the breast cancer might return. The intimidating fear of another potentially deadly diagnosis.

I have meditated and prayed about this. I have talked about it with my wonderful therapist and with other breast cancer survivors. I have tried guided imagery, journaling, and art journaling. These have all tempered the fear to some extent, but only for a very short while.

How SoulCollage® Soothed My Fears

Then I began practicing SoulCollage® and my inner dynamics began to change.

SoulCollage® is a unique blend of spiritual practice and the fun of collage. It was created in 1989 by Seena Frost ( as she worked with friends and clients in her psychotherapy practice.

Using our intuition and imagination, we create a deck of collaged cards where each card reflects a different aspect of who we are. The cards are then used to assist us to access our own deep wisdom and help us answer life's questions. There are four suits in a SoulCollage® deck: The Committee (the inner voices in our minds), The Community (the family and friends who love us), The Companions (animal totems who lend us their energies) and The Council (archetypes who symbolize major life themes for us).

SoulCollage® cards are made using magazine images, scissors, a glue stick, and 5" x 8" pieces of mat board.

It turned out to be the best way for me to deal with the lingering fears that I was left with after my cancer treatments were over. I listened carefully inside of me to the voices that had something to say about my breasts, and my breast cancer, and I made three cards over the course of a few months.

Naming my Inner Voices

The "voices" I named and then worked with in the coming months were: I am the one who fears breast cancer returning, I am the one who hates her disfigured left breast, I am the one who survived breast cancer and walked away from it (both of these voices were Committee members), and I am the one who gave you the courage to survive breast cancer (an archetype from my Council).

After making the cards, I journaled with them, asking each voice the following questions: Who are you? What do you have to give me? What do you want from me? How will I remember?

The Healing Continues

The entire process of making these SoulCollage® cards and then dialoguing with them led me deeper into my feelings about my diagnosis and all that I had been through on my journey since then. This led me to a very deep and powerful spiritual healing that is difficult to describe, yet very real in my life.

Now, when my fears of another cancer diagnosis threaten to consume me, I simply look at my SoulCollage® card that honors that voice inside of me and I acknowledge it. This voice, this fear will always be a part of me, but I do not have to allow it to control me. I am reminded of this because I also have the other two cards which speak to me of how I found the inner strength and courage to take the breast cancer journey.

Anne Marie Bennett is a freelance writer, SoulCollage facilitator, and self-taught artist who enjoys playing with mixed-media collage, and all forms of color and words. She has a BS degree in Education from Southern Connecticut State University and has taught children, teens and adults throughout the East Coast. She is a breast cancer survivor and feels closest to her own soul when she is writing, creating art, teaching, and sharing the gift of SoulCollage™ with others. She lives,laughs, writes, sings (and makes her own SoulCollage® cards!) in Beverly, MA. To see her breast cancer SoulCollage™ cards and read more about them, please visit:


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer that affects the breast tissue. The primary victims of this type of cancer are females. Statistics show that approximately one out of 11 to 12 women of the Western world are affected by breast cancer. Medical researches have tried aggressively to find a solution to detect the problem earlier or to treat the problem. About 20 percent of the women affected by breast cancer still fall prey to it and eventually die. In fact, breast cancer ranks second in cancer deaths for women.

Most breast cancer starts in the cells that line up the ducts. There are occasions where the cancer cells originate from the lobules, and then spread to other tissues.

Many breast cancer diagnosis starts in the checking of lumps I the breast. Although most cases of lumps are benign, meaning they are not cancerous, but doctors often ask a patient to undergo biopsy to make sure that cells are not malignant. Most of the lumps are caused by cysts. These lumps may cause pain and swelling of the breast accompanied at times by clear or cloudy discharge in the nipple which happens before the menstrual cycle period is about to begin in a woman. The symptoms may lead to the person to seek a medical check-up.

Male Victims

Breast cancer is not limited to women though; male victims are present as well. The breast of both male and female have identical tissues, so a man is also prone to acquiring the cancer. It is believed that females are more prone to men because the breast of a woman constantly goes through growth changing hormones, thus the cells are more exposed to cancerous change.

Breast Cancer Awareness

As more and more people fall ill to breast cancer, the month of October has been deemed as breast cancer month, to commemorate those who passed away from the cancer, the family and friends survived by the deceased. A pink ribbon is the symbol that a person is joining in the commemoration.

Breast Cancer provides detailed information on Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Treatments, Breast Cancer Symptoms, Cause Of Breast Cancer and more. Breast Cancer is affiliated with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Breast Cancer

As odd as it may sound. Males also are susceptible to breast cancer. It is most common in men aged 60 - 70 years old.

Knowing the symptoms and signs early can give you better options for treatment and recovery.

Look for:

Skin puckering or dimpling
Redness of nipple or breast skin
Uncontrolled clear or bloody discharge from nipple

You can be at risk if:

Male aged between 60- 70 years old Family history of breast cancer, ie. Sister, mom, et..

Genetics - sometimes it can be inherited

Radiation Exposure - if you ever received radiation treats to your chest area as a small child/young adult

Klienfelter Syndrome - a congenital abnormality of sex chromosomes X and Y. Males usually have one x and one y. In this syndrome males can have two or more x chromosomes. The extra chromosome in this syndrome causes abnormal development of testicles. Resulting in lower levels of certain male hormones (androgens). Which can cause non-cancerous breast growth.

Estrogen Exposure - Taking estrogen related drugs such as for a sex-change procedure.

Liver Disease - If you had the disease your bodies androgen activity maybe reduced and estrogen levels increased.

Over Weight - Can be risk factor since your fat cells in the body increase. They convert into androgens and estrogen.

Exorbitant Alcohol Use - Drinking heavy amounts put you at risk.

If you have any signs of lumps or other symptoms seek medical advice immediately. If your doctor suspects breast cancer the following tests maybe done:

Breast Exam - Doctor looks/feels for lumps or other changes of breasts.

Mammogram - Series of x-rays to show the breast tissue.

Ultrasound - Sound waves form images of breast.

Nipple Discharge Exam - Doctor may collect discharge if you have it to check for cancerous cells.

Biopsy - Tissue sample is taken so doctor can know if it is a lump or cancerous. This also helps determine if treatment is needed and what kind.

There are many more tests which can be done. These listed are the usual norm taken.

There are many treatments now available to treat breast cancer.

Remember to reduce your risk of breast cancer by keeping a healthy body weight, do not over indulge in alcohol.

For more information here are a few sites to visit:

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